If “work” is the new “retirement”, how do we prepare for this eventuality?

"Work" "Retirement". Up to now, these two words have been thought of as being mutually exclusive. However, in the new world we live in, this reality is gradually changing. Work might as well be the new retirement. What are the long term implications of this new reality? Not just for the society as a whole, … Continue reading If “work” is the new “retirement”, how do we prepare for this eventuality?

Leveraging experience to help the younger generation

Balance. This is the key word that comes to mind when reading this article in The Washington Post. This is what the younger generation has to successfully manage - in this new world. Balance between paying off College loans, managing current finances, buying a new house, and with any luck, with anything left over, saving … Continue reading Leveraging experience to help the younger generation

Social Security: Why it is important to do the homework enough in advance before eligibility

Social Security. Do these words bring images of relief or fear? Perhaps relief for some, and fear for many. Relief for those receiving payments or are fairly confident of its solvency when it is time to receive payments, fear for the skeptics. In addition to the above, this insightful study conducted by the BMO Retirement … Continue reading Social Security: Why it is important to do the homework enough in advance before eligibility